Buying a new car is an important decision, and if you're a savvy auto buyer, you know that getting a good deal involves more than snagging a great ...

Mortgage lenders aren't evaluated on a single, linear metric. Rarely is there a universal way of stating objectively that Lender A is better than L...

ATTENTION! If you're one of the 11.2 million Americans who have insurance through the Affordable Care Act – or one of the 9.2 % who do not but pr...

When it comes to retirement planning, the 4% rule has stood as a tried-and true method of drawing retirement income from an investment portfolio wi...

Whether you call yourself a Millennial, a Gen Y'er or prefer to avoid generational labels altogether, one thing is certain: If you fall into the 18...

'Tis the season for health insurance, whether you're buying a plan through your employer, through a government-run marketplace in your state or dir...

Many Americans view retirement as a chance to explore the world and discover a new life after their working years. With Social Security benefits de...

Your mom, dad or another close relative needs a nursing home. Finding the right facility, with a constant level of skilled care, is a serious under...

When planning for retirement, most folks think of the financials: building up an adequate nest egg, setting up multiple income streams, preparing f...

Of all the areas of finance and money-lending, perhaps nothing hits closer to home (literally) than the prevailing mortgage interest rate. After al...

In every child's life, there comes a point where it is necessary for them to take command of their parents' or guardians' worldly affairs, and know...

Financial gurus are constantly warning consumers to keep their credit score in tip-top shape if they're planning to purchase a home in the near fut...

Is my business a small business? Seems like a straightforward question, right? Not always. Figuring out the correct answer to this simple question ...

There is no downside to a tax exemption: The term has a specific meaning in tax law, which is always favorable. Federal, state or local governments...

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